PEISAA Announces Limited Spectators Permitted For Volleyball!


The PEISAA has announced that limited spectators will be permitted for Volleyball which starts Monday. 1 parent\guardian will be permitted to watch their student. Please click on Read More for more info on the guidelines that must be followed.

The PEISAA has announced that limited spectators will be permitted when the Volleyball season starts on Monday.  Due to the COVID-19 guidelines, 1 parent or guardian of a player will be permitted.
They must abide by the following protocol:
  • Must wear mask when entering and exiting and can only remove while they are seated in the gym.
  • Must sign in at entrance of gym
  • Please do not attend if experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19
  • Do not arrive any earlier than 10 minutes before scheduled time
  • Must leave gym immediately following match and wait for student outside 
This attempt to allow at least some spectators is being made because of the way everyone has been respecting the rules during our outdoor sports.  The goal continues to be to provide an opportunity for our students to play school sport and we hope everyone will continue to cooperate and respect the efforts that have gone in to making this happen.